Gregorian Chant - Cd


Plainchant used specific modes, which are the equivalent of our modern day keys. Some of their names are well known such as Dorian (normally beginning on D) or Aeolian, which normally begins on A. Each mode had a specific character and was believed to impart certain moods or feelings. These sentiments were carried into more modern times and composers even in the 19th century would write in specific keys (which by then had superseded modes) when they wished to express a particular feeling or emotion. Each mode also presented the melody with a series of intervals, which could be specific to that mode which helped to inflect even more characteristics.It is certainly music of extraordinary beauty and its melodic lines became the basis of so much, if not all, later composition. This programme assembles a selection of this music based around a medieval mass with the usual Kyrie (preceded by an Introit), Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. Around these movements we have placed a series of other types of word setting. This CD of calm music for mediation contains timeless sounds from an earlier age. Men's voices sing a selection of ancient plainchant to soothe the distractions of the modern age. Single lines of melody build up an almost hypnotic effect which calms and quiets the busy mind. The music is taken from some of the earliest-known settings of words used in the early centuries of the church. Key Features:Made in Great Britain18 tracks - variousOver 45 minutes of musicAudio CD

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